Use mathematical typesetting in diagrams
Source : Re-post Use mathematical typesetting in diagrams Enter your maths equation using LaTeX or AsciiMath in a text shape. AsciiMath between ` , for example: `a^2+b^2 = c^2` LaTeX between $$ , for example: $$\sqrt{3×-1}+(1+x)^2$$ Inline LaTeX between \( and \) , for example: \(\sqrt{3×-1}+(1+x)^2\) You can mix inline LaTeX and AsciiMath in the same text, for example: LaTeX \(\sqrt{3×-1}+(1+x)^2\\) and AsciiMath `a^b + b^2 = c^2` See this example in Enable mathematical typesetting Select Extras > Mathematical Typesetting from the menu. Enabling mathematical typesetting will use MathJax to render your maths equations . MathJax renders equations neatly and works in all browsers. Disable mathematical typesetting via the same menu item to see and edit the equation’s LaTeX or AsciiMath. Change the output format and font By default...